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1-Quest for the Grail

"A damsel was carrying a grail held in two hands,

who came forward with the young men, beautiful, graceful, elegantly dressed.

When she had entered the room, with the grail she was holding

it was so bright that the candles lost their lustre

like the stars at sunrise or moonrise". Chrétien de Troyes, The Tale of the Grail (1180).

2-Garden of Virtues

"True happiness is therefore placed in virtue". Seneca, On the Happy Life (58 AD).

3-Medieval Bestiary

"Everything was sweet and familiar to man : wild beasts, birds, and the flame of benevolence illuminated everything." Empedocles, On Nature (5th century BC).

4- Knight with swan

"In the diocese of Cologne, a famous and immense castle called Nijmegen dominates the Rhine. One day, during the assembly of many princes and, it is said, in the presence of the Emperor, a knight unknown to all arrived in a boat pulled by a swan...". Geoffroy of Auxerre, Sermons (1190).

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